We, the Mumbaikars, are really shocked with the recent terrorist attacks, but we will stay united and we want to bring change. We won’t take this lying down. There are various events in Mumbai and elsewhere to mourn the dead and build strength for the future.
If you are in Mumbai, Come and join us. You can take part in any of these events that are held in various parts of city.
Gateway - Non Co-operation Movement
For those who've laid down their lives on 26/27 Nov 08
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Time: 6:00pm - 10:00pm
Location: Gateway of India
A Non Co-operation movement is something to show that we are not taking this lying down. It is something that can tell the leaders and politicians that we want our safety. Let it be started by the corporate. Its a nameless, leaderless movement. Let's show them how many we are and how angry and tired and frustrated we are. Let's all come together at Gateway of India.. Let's ask for what's our right to live fearlessly. Let us devote one evening of our life to it. It's worth it.
Walk for peace and harmony
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
6:00pm - 8:00pm
Gateway of India, Bombay
Peace Protest and Meeting
Thursday December 4
(Time to be finalised)
KC College, Churchgate
(Meeting will culminate in a march to CST STATION, felicitating those who acted promptly).
Mumbai for Peace
Wednesday, December 10th (International Human Rights Day)
1 p.m.
South Mumbai (exact location and map in a short while)
Light a Candle
Monday, December 1
7,00pm to 8.00pm
At home or wherever you are.
Light a candle on the 1st of December at 7.30 PM for all the victims of the ongoing terrorism activities all over Mumbai.
Thanking the protectors of Mumbai
From Friday 28th November to Saturday, December 27th
At your nearest police station, fire brigade or army/navy/airforce base
*Note: this is not a one-day event. Or even an "event" at all. It's a suggestion, an altering of mindset, a small step on the way forward. You haven't missed it. You can do this any time, any place.*Our brave, brave police, armed forces and firefighters have been putting their lives at risk to bring our city back to normal. Many have died.
We often criticize them vociferously; we probably will do so again. And we should. Later.
But now is a good time to show our gratitude and respect for what they've done since the night of the 26th.
Go over to your neighborhood police station, fire brigade or army/navy/air force base.
Light a candle or a diya and leave it there.
Or leave a card, or a note of appreciation.
Or a flower.
Shake the hand of any police, army or fire brigade personnel on the spot, say thank you, and explain why you're doing this.
Do this whenever you can, wherever you can. You don't have to be in Bombay. This could have happened anywhere in the world.
(People in other countries and Indians abroad: you may want to do this at your nearest Indian embassy or consulate.)
We have to salute all those brave policemen, army and navy soldiers for doing their best to keep all of us safe.