Ecologists said the picture is grim. "The oil spill will affect fish species; many of them breed in mangroves. The chemicals sprayed to disperse the oil too would affect the marine ecology," said B F Chhapgar, a marine biologist. "The chemical dispersants break the oil into small droplets which then settle at the bottom of the sea and affect marine life," he explained. Chhapgar also expressed concern over the threat posed by the chemical containers still afloat in the sea. If the pesticides leak, marine animals would be severely impacted, he said.
With 400 containers containing oil and hazardous chemicals that have slipped into sea and 800 tons of oil that have leaked into the sea, the fishermen are deprived of their daily wages and just await for better and safer options for fishing.
Somebody should be held responsible and be punished so that it never occurs again.