Thursday, 16 September 2010

Fully Time Pass in Mumbai

It’s been long time since I have discussed what is happening in Mumbai…I have been occupied with so many things that I have not found much time to socialize. Oh! Nevermind! But you can have a good time while in Mumbai. Hey, have u watched the play ‘The Blue mug’? It sounds quite interesting play in Hindi. It’s about a man who mistook his wife for

hat. A hat? Geez!

"The Blue Mug is a devised piece of theatre in which actors Rajat Kapoor, Sheeba Chadha, Munish Bhardwaj and Vinay Pathak go down the path of their personal memories - their childhood, adolescence and youth, and also immediate past in their middle age. The play depicts the larger canvas of Indian memory through monologues and improvised scenes between the actors. "
I am tempted to watch it. Let’s drive over to Prithvis and watch some great stage artist at work.

If you are gaming buff then there is good news for you.

There is a new store Game4u, located at Andheri that houses some of the meanest and the wildest games. If you are one of those die hard gamers that love to keep him self on top of the latest range of titles, move over to Game 4U – This seems the only store in Mumbai for gamers everywhere.  I believe that there is also a girls section for those women who love to get their hands on a remote. Thats a good very sure....I don't like these crazy dishum dishum games. Bah!

If you are the type to enjoy the western music concert, then head on for delightful music at NCPA which is hosting the Ninth Celebrity season.

Perhaps you would be interested in listening to Andrew Lloyd Webber, who is the most successful composer of musicals of all time.
"He started composing at the age of six and today his music is known by billions all over the world. He has composed 13 musicals during his career, which have played all over the world, especially in London’s West End and New York’s Broadway. Many of his musicals have run continuously for decades with audiences never tiring of them."
So hop on to Jamshed Tata theatre for a nice pleasant evening.

Mumbai always has some or the other time-pass-activities, for those who would like to just while away their time doing nothing then there is always linking road for shopping and eating Bhel Puri.

Anything is better than being a couch potato. Isn't it?

Saturday, 11 September 2010

Celebration is Everywhere in Mumbai

decorated palki for Lord Ganesha

Today is the beautiful day in Mumbai…everywhere I can hear the fire-crackers, people are happy and the vibrations are good. Lord Ganesha is getting a big warm welcome. There is a big parade of colorfully dressed people in traditional Maharastrian attire, dancing to the music of Lazims.

 women in different coloured clothes dancing in a group

Men playing Lazims...lovely!!

Even the children are dressed in traditional clothes and they seem to enjoy it

TV crew has been visiting different nodes of Mumbai and interviewing people, everywhere you see people singing hymns, waiting in long queue to get the glimpse of the idol.

Women blowing the counch after every hymn

Everybody is having fun as they parade in Hindu Carnival

Ganesha festival is the mood of celebrations and it is here to stay for next eleven days

The name "Bombay" was derived from 'Bom Bahia' (The Good Bay),

.... a name given by Portuguese sailor Francis Almeida, in 1508 ....“Bounce back Mumbai” it is called by the locals, it is a city that has been through a lot in the recent past – floods, bomb blasts, riots – and come out stronger each time.

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