Monday, 27 August 2012

Mumbai in deep waters

Mumbai is the great city to live in but such a pain during the rains.

I like to escape rainy season every year, and plan my holidays to some other country if I can help it, because although it may not rain for 4 months continuously, but there is always one day during the rainy season when it rains in such a way that the whole city is paralyzed.

Pic:Suresh K K
There has been very low rainfall during this rainy season but then came the downpour, in wholesale.....

This year, I watched Mumbai from Spain and I see Mumbai in knee-deep water…more pictures are in Midday Paper

Happy that I escaped this year from being marooned on the flooded streets of Mumbai……..

The name "Bombay" was derived from 'Bom Bahia' (The Good Bay),

.... a name given by Portuguese sailor Francis Almeida, in 1508 ....“Bounce back Mumbai” it is called by the locals, it is a city that has been through a lot in the recent past – floods, bomb blasts, riots – and come out stronger each time.

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