Monday, 22 June 2015

Weekend Getaway From Mumbai

When summer heat is too much to bear and you need to get away from Mumbai, there are many interesting places to visit in Maharashtra where you can spend few days or weekend perhaps.

Just 275kms away from Mumbai is the hill station called Mahabaleshwar. The scene changes drastically and you are transported to a cleaner air, that has sweet fragrance of plants and flowers, lush green foliage, red mud path, misty sky with extra icing of cool weather and tasty meals.

The road leading to this place is interesting too. There are waterfalls and narrow winding paths as you climb up the hills to reach the city.

I went last weekend and the weather was beautiful. Although its rainy season, we were lucky that it rained only when we were indoors. The sky remained misty most of the time. But we had fun walking through the market place, to some scenic spots and through beautiful parks.

My friends did some shopping like buying foot ware and shawls but I enjoyed nibbling on street food that was available every few meters.

The food was excellent, specially the Maharastrain fare of pohas, sabudhana vadas and lentils. The vegetables used were fresh and locally grown. The stalls looked colorful with carrots and strawberries lining the roads at market place and also at all points of interest

The city is crowded and is become more commercialized with more hotels mushrooming every year. There is too much traffic too which is quite frustrating. But if you go into the interiors, it is bliss.

The name "Bombay" was derived from 'Bom Bahia' (The Good Bay),

.... a name given by Portuguese sailor Francis Almeida, in 1508 ....“Bounce back Mumbai” it is called by the locals, it is a city that has been through a lot in the recent past – floods, bomb blasts, riots – and come out stronger each time.

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