Wednesday, 21 November 2007

Please Walk! It is a Car Free Day on 25th November in Bandra

A Car Free Day is an event organized in different places in different ways, but with the common goal of taking a fair number of cars off the streets of a city or some target area or neighborhood for all or part of a day, in order to give the people who live and work there a chance to consider how their city might look and work with a lot fewer cars.

On 25th November 2007, Banda will be observing a car free day and every one is requested to use the public transport for emergency, cycle or walk the small distance and help in reducing the polution in the suburbs.

Everyone who would want to be involved with the car free Bandra campaign can call the Radio City Breakfast Show between 7am and 11am and they will be put on air to say their piece.

The number for them to call is: 6696 9191

They can also send an SMS to BFM (with their name and message) to 54646

Alternatively, they can email at shawnf@myradio

It would increase the income of auto drivers, decrease pollution- Noise and Air. Of course there would be emergencies like hospitals and drops and pick ups for people traveling and out of Bandra/Mumbai.

We cannot force people to not use their cars. But thought it's worth a try to see if it's possible.


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The name "Bombay" was derived from 'Bom Bahia' (The Good Bay),

.... a name given by Portuguese sailor Francis Almeida, in 1508 ....“Bounce back Mumbai” it is called by the locals, it is a city that has been through a lot in the recent past – floods, bomb blasts, riots – and come out stronger each time.

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