Dear Citizens for Peace supporters,
Mumbai for Peace, a collective of organisations in the city is organising a Human Chain on the 12th December at noon.
Here is the announcement:
We, the people of Mumbai, from all walks of life, of all faiths, all linguistic groups, all ages, will express our commitment to peace by coming out on the streets and holding hands in unity from 12 noon to 12.15 pm. on Friday the 12th of December, 2008. (Map below.)
We, the people of Mumbai, who have seen hatred and bloodshed in our city, pledge that we will not give in to terror and to those who preach war, violence, hatred and intolerance. We undertake to keep Mumbai a city that is peaceful and united. We commit to building a world based on the principles of tolerance and peace, equality and justice.
We expect:
1. Government to take responsibility and map out long-term and short-term strategies, and take action on them.
2. Accountability, better coordination amongst various security and intelligence agencies to deal with terror and sharing of intelligence and information.
3. Joint action between India and Pakistan governments to curb religious extremism of all shades in both countries.
4. Punishment of those responsible for attacks on minorities, which is also an attack on the multi-cultural body politic of India.
5. Swift, transparent and credible trial and punishment for all those involved in terror, whatever the religion they may profess.
6. Protection of civil and human rights of people and no arrests and torture of innocents in the name of anti-terror measures.
7. A comprehensive Communal Violence Bill in place of the one pending in the Parliament.
8. Immediate implementation of police reforms, providing equipment and training, basic service conditions to police personnel and state security forces. Active facilitation of community participation in security and intelligence gathering.
9. Moderation and sensitivity in media reporting of violence whether terrorist or any other form, through self-regulation.
10. A policy to evolve, for legal action against hate speech and demonisation of any religion or community.
Mumbai For Peace - a campaign of Mumbai based organisations.
Aapli Mumbai
Action Aid (Maharashtra)
Action for Good Governance and Networking in India (AGNI)
Alternative Reality
Awami Bharat
Bombay Catholic Sabha
Bombay Urban Industrial League for Development (BUILD)
Centre for Enquiry into Health and Allied Themes (CEHAT)
Centre for Study of Society and Secularism (CSSS)
Church’s Auxiliary for Social Action (CASA)
Citizen’s Council for a Better Tomorrow (CCBT)
Citizens for Peace
City Taxi Union
Federation of Association of Maharashtra (FAM)
Focus on the Global South
Forum Against Oppression of Women (FAOW)
Girni Kamgar Sangharsh Samiti (GKSS)
Holy Name Parish
India Centre for Human Rights and Law
Indian’s Social Movement
Institute of Community Organization Research (ICOR)
Jamat-e-Islami Hind
Justice & Peace Commission (JPC)
Lesbians And Bisexual In Action (LABIA)
Lok Rajniti Manch
Lourdes Church–Orlem
Mahatma Gandhi Foundation
Mahila Mukti Manch
MGM Medical College
Movement for Peace and Justice (MPJ)
National Alliance of People’s Movements (NAPM)
Nav Maharashtra Yuva Abhiyan
Navnirman Samaj Vikas Kendra (NSVK)
Nazareth Church
Nivara Hakk Suraksha Samiti (NHSS)
Our Lady of Dolores Church
Pakistan-India People’s Forum for Peace and Democracy (PIPFPD)
People’s Media Initiative (PMI)
Public Concern for Governance Trust (PCGT)
Roshni Graha Community Centre
Sadbhavna Sangh
Sameep Pratishthan
Sarva Sewa Sangh
St Xavier’s College
Vidrohi Sanskrutik Chalwal
Women’s Health and Rights Advocacy Partnership – South Asia (WHRAP-SA)
Women’s Centre (Vakola)
Xavier’s Institute of Communication (XIC)
Young Men Christian Association (YMCA)
Youth for Unity & Voluntary Action (YUVA)
And there is a route map here: http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&msid=114139590096115033245.00045d60148d3dd953431&ll=18.981948,72.831802&spn=0.166872,0.2211&z=12
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