Friday 7 August 2009

The Great wall of Mumbai

No! This is not in any way, similar to ‘Great Wall of China’, this is a wall of artistic spirit of the people of Mumbai who care and it may look like this….

Or the way you make it look, maybe more artistically.

On 15th and 16th August, The Wall Project along with the BMC is initiating painting sessions on the Tulsi pipe Road, stretching from Mahim to Dadar running along the western railway line in Mumbai. This will be the biggest canvas ever to be made available

When people get creative, the results are amazing…..want to try your imagination???

A humble project that started out with a few enthusiastic people is growing to be a bigger, better project.

The wall project started with a blank white compound wall, with an intense burning of “something has to be done to it”. Set in an old East Indian village in Bandra, colorful with people of many talents, all hidden in their tiny abodes.

It was an initiative to add visual elements of color, form and texture to a space, to make the area more alive and generate a feeling among people who pass by it daily.

So make yourself free and come over to Tulsi Pipe road and see the fun…paint the city with rainbow colors……

If anyone wants to paint something specific and need support from them, please email with your ideas/comments/requirements

For paints -You can look at any hardware or paint store.

You can use the can sprays too that are available at

1. Cheap Jack in hill road Bandra,
2. Virat paper mart - near copper chimney, Bandra station
3. Himalaya stationary, opp J.J school of art

Remember the date!!! It is on the 15th-16th August 2009. Tulsi Pipe Road, Okay?? So. Are you coming????


Mumbai City said...

I liked your blog its nice. Keep it up good work!

Pushpz said...

Thank you so Much!!!!

The name "Bombay" was derived from 'Bom Bahia' (The Good Bay),

.... a name given by Portuguese sailor Francis Almeida, in 1508 ....“Bounce back Mumbai” it is called by the locals, it is a city that has been through a lot in the recent past – floods, bomb blasts, riots – and come out stronger each time.

Whats the Time Please?

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