Friday 2 October 2009

Watchmen Don't Wear Watch In Mumbai....

Mumbai is a safe city to live in and you got to believe that. There are security guards everywhere, in every building, in every mall, outside a store, and sometimes on road.

They just stand there and stare, and get full month’s salary for doing nothing but watching and watching……...

They don’t even look scary and sometime they may not even wear their uniform, but they sit at the gate, in the company of their friends, sometimes for a chat. When we pass by them we see them watching, watching….

Even in a mall, where everybody is busy, he stands there staring with his hands clasped behind his back. Everybody is shopping, walking, talking but you see him standing there, just watching, and watching.

You see them at a gate of every building and even outside a store, but all they do is watching, watching…

On days when they are not watching, they may take a short nap

Or go into deep slumber, but we in Mumbai have got to believe that even though he may be asleep, he might be watching, watching…


Anonymous said...

WE need watchmen or not ???

Pushpz said...

you decide..hehehee

Anonymous said...

As per pictures may be we need watchmen for watchmen.

The name "Bombay" was derived from 'Bom Bahia' (The Good Bay),

.... a name given by Portuguese sailor Francis Almeida, in 1508 ....“Bounce back Mumbai” it is called by the locals, it is a city that has been through a lot in the recent past – floods, bomb blasts, riots – and come out stronger each time.

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